Sunday, April 30, 2023

Video post

 Just sharing something which I think holds relevance to a segment on psychics coming up soon


Saturday, April 29, 2023

Beetlegueuse super nova

 It is no secret that I happen to like the stars and space.

It is no secret that I happen to like the stars and space.

However, I’ve been watching the whole incident taking place with the star Betelgeuse this entire time

If you happen to take a look at this, you’ll see several flashes from the store itself from of you that I think is coming from a space telescope, but I just don’t know which one but I find it captivating because it is a star that I saw since I was a kid

And the part that I find even more fascinating is that for thousands of years people have cast her eyes upon the star would it be winter time summertime or whatever time of the year and it has been part of literature stories told behind a fire, or even in the dark, and in some cases silently cast upon by those just watching out the window.

Although I’m not certain if we’re going to see this in our night sky anytime soon, it is kind of cool to see this activity and I view this has significant. I hope you enjoy seeing this and I invite you to take a look for yourself. 

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Progress in Nitracks

Greetings fellow listeners. I want to share with you that we are now listed with an online radio directory Here's a link for you to look at other stations if you want to channel hop and get something different However, we are very confident that if you're here and you're listening to our show that you're probably content with our cool music here are the links I spoke of: radio spots not nitracks But as promised, I do need to make sure I share these links so that for your listening pleasure, you were able to select other songs and genre that might be of interest to you later down the road Also, I would like to point out that we have a price for the two sentence horror story request and segment that we are still working on.also, I would like to point out that we have a price for the two sentence horror story request and segment that we are still working on. Although we can't say what the prize is, we will share with you that it would be worth your while to send in a submission, do you follow us and if you need to add more content than that, always send us an email at Come, take a listen once again to us at! We do have new chill sessions with Marie at mindful moments and as always every Friday we still have Friday night dark! We hope you come and listen today and thanks for being part of

Is poltergeists just a movie?

In this article, we will be exploring the concept of poltergeists, and whether they are real, or simply a movie plot device. We will look into the history of the phenomenon, and consider the scientific explanations behind it. We will also evaluate the various theories as to why these paranormal events take place. By the end of this article, you will have a deeper understanding of what poltergeists are, and a more informed opinion on whether or not they exist beyond the realm of the silver screen. So, if you have ever been skeptical about the reality of poltergeists, read on and discover the truth about these mysterious entities.

Exploring the Origin of the Idea of the Poltergeist: Examining the History and Mythology Behind the Phenomenon

The concept of poltergeists has been a part of popular culture for centuries, but exactly what is a poltergeist and where did the idea come from? Many cultures have stories of strange, supernatural phenomena that could be classified as poltergeists, but it wasn’t until the early 19th century that the idea of a poltergeist became widely accepted

Poltergeists: Separating Fact from Fiction

Poltergeists have been a subject of interest in the supernatural for centuries, but it can be difficult to separate fact from fiction. Many people believe that poltergeists are spirits that haunt a particular location or person and cause disturbances, while others think they are simply the manifestation of psychological or physical energy. Here are some of the facts and myths associated with this mysterious phenomenon: 1

Poltergeist in Popular Culture: Examining the Influence of the Franchise on Other Media

Poltergeist has become a major cultural phenomenon since its original release in 1982, inspiring countless other works of media in its wake. The franchise has had a particularly large influence in the horror genre, with many of its tropes and concepts becoming hallmarks of the genre. This influence can be seen in other iconic horror films like the Nightmare on Elm Street series, as well as more recent works like Get Out and It Follows

Paranormal Activity in the Modern World: Examining the Beliefs and Experiences of People Who Believe in Poltergeists

Paranormal activity is an area of great controversy and debate. While there are many who believe in the existence of supernatural forces and creatures, there are also those who firmly believe that the supernatural simply does not exist. One of the most debated paranormal entities is the poltergeist- a mischievous ghost or supernatural force that is said to manifest through noises, objects moving on their own, and other mysterious phenomena

Analyzing the Psychological Themes of Poltergeist: Examining the Subtext of the Film Series and its Impact on Audiences

Poltergeist has been an iconic horror movie franchise since its debut in 1982. The film series has gained a large cult following and its iconic scenes have been recreated in many other horror films and TV shows. While the films are often viewed as straightforward horror stories, they contain subtle psychological themes and messages that can be analyzed and discussed


In conclusion, it is clear that the poltergeist movie has captivated audiences for decades and has left an impression of supernatural hauntings. While there are many debates about the origin of what is seen in the movie, it is likely that the intense fear of the unknown still lingers in the viewers’ minds

Never a dull moment!

 I had a disturbance this morning 4 March 2025.  Pictures fell off and were secure for days during my morning routine the door opened onto t...