Sunday, March 2, 2025

New stories for Ben's Epic Tale uploading soon!

 Hey All,

  So I have not yet put the next segment up for Friday night Dark but I am going to a weekly format for now for Ben's Epic Tale! 

This is to make sure I can focus and deliver all I can 

This is because I am still making sure that all things I have are attainable, and people can subscribe to everything Ni tracks has to offer!

I would love to make this all Full time, and deliver All things but this requires help. From you.

I ask you join up and buy a subscription which is less than a cup of coffee from a well known shop. Wanna save money? I have a link you can visit and if you use the coupon code FRIDAYNIGHTDARK, you get 10 % off extra. Go check it out! 

Otherwise come see what I have to offer!

I also want to share someone I follow who teaches many things "including history" which I think bears relevance for anyone who researches history from a paranormal sense. This is good history!!!

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