Friday, January 31, 2025
Newest show!
Friday, January 24, 2025
Bonus Story!
Hey I decided instead of placing on my site I would put it everywhere else.
Have a listen! its kinda fun!
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Telepathy Part 1
Telepathy covers so many things its hard to bring on this in one segment!
That being said, I will be talking about telepathy more this Friday!
What is it ? Is it real?
I have a few comparisons and a few tales to tell about this. I also will have some tales to tell I am sharing along with updates for Ben's Tale. It's all coming this weekend!
Where else?
Friday, January 17, 2025
Bonus material
I made a spell Jar and decided to document it.
This is how I learned a while back but hopefully you get ideas of your own!
New Show this Friday!
Hey Fellow Listeners,
As always I have a show for you!
This week?
OOparts! Things Out of place and DONT belong where they are found.
Its a real subject!
As always I will be giving examples and thoughts on this.
But as always that 3rd Side as they are ( I think)
Monday, January 13, 2025
More stories to come!
I know I have been slow to post this week. I have had a lot going on.
Never fear another show IS coming and I will be revamping how I record.
Also I will be interviewing some folks I know and rehash a few others too.
This should prove to be a fun year despite all gong on
Would you like to request a subject? Contact me!
Let me know! Where else?
Monday, January 6, 2025
New stuff
Thursday, January 2, 2025
This Friday!!
Happy New Year!!
I know its always a thing that I have my Shows and no Craziness But I still make sure there IS a show and content
As always I have one more for you
come listen to my stint on Ghost Ships!!
Email me and tell me what you think!!
Never a dull moment!
I had a disturbance this morning 4 March 2025. Pictures fell off and were secure for days during my morning routine the door opened onto t...

I lost my website and I’m working on getting something for folks to listen to or read for a while. There are lots of things to still share ...
I promised I’d share if they posted the prize. A choice was given and with the other left I’ll only say it is appropo for anyone who knows ...
Please visit this site and participate!!