Monday, November 25, 2024

Ghost story

 I told  a few stories in the past 

the ones I tell usually aren't much other than a mix of truth and fiction,

this week I am telling a story that s REAL!

Come listen!

Monday, November 18, 2024


 It's never a surprise for folks to talk about the geometric shape for various reasons!

Howabout the ones we avoid?

Bermuda comes to mind for some, but I also will be touching on others!

Come Listen!

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Another interview

 Hey All,

  I know its fun to hear my presentations but I do occasionally get a visitor near my neck of the woods. I want you to know this one involves a Tik Tok Creator Who graciously agreed to be interviewed. I am excited to present EtherealGoose!

Here is my tease I will be putting on my outlets, but always, Come listen!

Thursday, November 7, 2024


 I am going to be presenting my take on Pareidolia

Come listen! or better Come and let me know what you think!

Never a dull moment!

 I had a disturbance this morning 4 March 2025.  Pictures fell off and were secure for days during my morning routine the door opened onto t...