Thursday, June 22, 2023

UFOs in Vegas?

 I was randomly looking at pages in the internet. I dont get out much

so I find articles of a UFO encounter in of all places Las Vegas Nevada!!

Go ahead and let me know what you think? 

Here is the link to the article that popped into my face

Saturday, June 10, 2023

We're back! And we are streaming again!


We are broadcasting another interview with Spookaholics! We explore things from equipment to preparation to experiences! 

As always we will delve deeper on various topics! and we are Already gearing up for Halloween. Yes I know that is just wrong but Its closer thank you think! 

Childs Play!

 How many time do you hear that phrase?  I know I have heard it ALL my life its child's play !! right? I know there is a bad movie serie...