Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Never a dull moment!

 I had a disturbance this morning 4 March 2025. 

Pictures fell off and were secure for days

during my morning routine the door opened onto the bathroom where I was 

Also other weird Schtuff happened!

here is the video/ audio to recount. I did a video and I am setting that aside for now as I am working on yet another video/ segment of audio for this renewed activity 

Monday, March 3, 2025

Is Bigfoot real?

 Been thinking about this subject and decided now is a good time to talk about it.

Big Foot.

It IS what it is but,  I'll let my video do the talking 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

New stories for Ben's Epic Tale uploading soon!

 Hey All,

  So I have not yet put the next segment up for Friday night Dark but I am going to a weekly format for now for Ben's Epic Tale! 

This is to make sure I can focus and deliver all I can 

This is because I am still making sure that all things I have are attainable, and people can subscribe to everything Ni tracks has to offer!

I would love to make this all Full time, and deliver All things but this requires help. From you.

I ask you join up and buy a subscription which is less than a cup of coffee from a well known shop. Wanna save money? I have a link you can visit and if you use the coupon code FRIDAYNIGHTDARK, you get 10 % off extra. Go check it out! 

Otherwise come see what I have to offer!

I also want to share someone I follow who teaches many things "including history" which I think bears relevance for anyone who researches history from a paranormal sense. This is good history!!!

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Friday Night Dark this Friday 02-28-2025

 Hey All!

As always I am working on many things and I never seem to not deliver.

This Friday I will be talking about Walk in spirits. 

I know its a vague subject, but it does cover a few other things in my experiences in the paranormal.

I don't want to give away a lot but when transplants and folks who Die and Come back tell there stories, I sometimes wonder if others do not recall because its,.. well,.... NOT THEM!

Just a thought. Come listen and let me know what you think!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Bens Tale continues with more going on

 I told someone a long time ago there was so much going on , that after they heard it , they told me to at least record this story which I am doing! 

Big ask I need help!

I need to keep this going 

I don't like to be a broken record but anything would be nice. 

Thanks again for reading and enjoy the next chapters of Ben's Epic Tale

Friday, February 21, 2025

Buy me a coffee!!

 I would love your help! 

I would be grateful if you could answer a poll and if you subscribe or send you a donation, I will send you note only a big Thank you, but I will be emailing all when my next chapter goes out of Benthe mage, and ghostly tales. 

As always, you can listen to Friday night dark, but The other places are "extra and I will have very exclusive content here on this buy me a coffee page!

Thanks for coming By!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Afraid of the dark?

 I know I am

I was a kid and something traumatized me

so a night light still is present even now for me.

Its okay to laugh.

But seriously I am mentioning this because as always I talk about how things that may spook and scare you


Its nyctophobia. 

That dreaded fear of the dark whether playing a game or just waking up from sleep.

Come listen this Friday! 

Hear you there!

on Friday night dark!

Never a dull moment!

 I had a disturbance this morning 4 March 2025.  Pictures fell off and were secure for days during my morning routine the door opened onto t...