Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Childs Play!

 How many time do you hear that phrase? 

I know I have heard it ALL my life

its child's play !!


I know there is a bad movie series based on that phrase, but that gets me to my point!

I am continuing those Child's Play games I found that kids played and have decided to revisit it once again! Come listen to my segment right here on Friday Night Dark!

Friday, January 31, 2025

Newest show!

This week I will be talking about:

Conspiracy theories! Are they really as prevalent as people say? How does it relate to the paranormal? Come listen! 

With respects to all in the DC Mid Air Collision, I am wishing all healing and Prayers.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Bonus Story!

 Hey I decided instead of placing on my site I would put it everywhere else. 

Have a listen! its kinda fun!

Thanks for listening and Come and comment on the story!!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Telepathy Part 1

 Telepathy covers so many things its hard to bring on this in one segment!

That being said, I will be talking about telepathy more this Friday!

What is it ? Is it real?

I have a few comparisons and a few tales to tell about this. I also will have some tales to tell I am sharing along with updates for Ben's Tale. It's all coming this weekend!

Where else?


Friday, January 17, 2025

Bonus material

 I made a spell Jar and decided to document it.

This is how I learned a while back  but hopefully you get ideas of your own! 

Come watch! 

New Show this Friday!

 Hey Fellow Listeners,

  As always I have a show for you! 

This week? 

OOparts! Things Out of place and DONT belong where they are found.

Its a real subject! 

As always I will be giving examples and thoughts on this.

But as always that 3rd Side as they are ( I think)

Come Take A listen!

Monday, January 13, 2025

More stories to come!

 I know I have been slow to post this week. I have had a lot going on.

Never fear another show IS coming and I will be revamping how I record. 

Also I will be interviewing some folks I know and rehash a few others too. 

This should prove to be a fun year despite all gong on

Would you like to request a subject? Contact me!

Let me know!   Where else?    Fridaynightdark@nitracks.com

Childs Play!

 How many time do you hear that phrase?  I know I have heard it ALL my life its child's play !! right? I know there is a bad movie serie...